The Power of Community in Storytelling


The Power of Community in Storytelling

The best stories in life... are the ones that really happen. 

And sometimes those stories are made even more powerful when they're driven not by one single person, but an entire community.

At least that's what the HEAL Initiative has taught us...




So we just launched a new site. And we want to make it as interactive as possible. Our blog will be a special section of the site dedicated to the art of storytelling through doc-style videos. By doc-style videos, we mean videos that are shaped and molded by the truth and style of a documentary. 

Since we specialize in the art of the mini-documentary at YOUR STORY ON FILM, e are privileged to engage with real people and real stories on a daily basis. Our goal will be to share those stories through video and the written word.  

eave comments. Share your own positive videos and stories. Educate. Inspire.

Coming shortly will be a blog piece on a story that is writing itself - the HEAL Initiative.

he Healthy Eating & Active Living initiative is a community partnership working to make healthy eating and active living a part of the culture and everyday living in the Buckeye, Larchmere and Woodland Hills neighborhoods. (

A grassroots initiative catching fire on the East Side of Cleveland, the HEAL Initiative is one of those movements that is so genuine, so earthy, so real - because it is an initiative that is community-owned and community-operated.

Stay tuned.